Sunday, May 26, 2013

Coming Soon....

Welcome!  I'm Jennifer and my goal is to help you get started baking.  I began experimenting with baking when I was a young girl.  I started out with a BANG! and decided to tackle an Easter bonnet cake that I found in my Mama's Jello Cookbook.  Ironically, being twelve and never having baked before, it turned out EXACTLY like the picture!  I was amazed!!  And I've been baking ever since!!

People who know me will tell you to never trust my cooking...and that's true!  But, baking is a whole other ball game!!  My sister said just yesterday, when I presented a TMNT cake for my son's birthday, "WOW!  You really missed your calling!!"

So, this blog was born.  I want to help each and every one of you learn how to bake using simple methods.  My instructional strategy is K.I.S.S...."Keep it Super Simple!"  And it's so true.  Baking IS simple. 

Do please stay tuned!  My blog is just now up and getting ready for the "running" phase.  I would love for you to check back and see my first blog.....I plan on showing you all the things I think are important to have on hand in order to get your baking off on the right foot. 


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